I swear that every day I look forward to nap time. In fact I plan my day around it. You might even catch me on the phone talking to one of my friends like, “Yo, from 8-12 I’m book from like 12-2, you can come over and get whooped in some Playstation 3.” For me that 2 hour space of time is filled with endless possibilities. Sometimes I do stuff like buy a book, and measure how long it’s going to take me to finish the book in nap times. I’m like, “Dang, this book is 200 pages, I could probably knock this out in like 3-4 nap times if I want.” However, here is the problem with nap time, sometimes my son doesn’t want to go to sleep. He’s figured it out. It’s like he’s at the playground trading nap time tips with the other toddlers. I can picture them all congregated around the slide like, “Yo, this is how I get out of nap time every day, try this,” and he takes mental notes and puts them to use at home.
Here’s how it goes. I put him in the crib, and turn the channel from Yo Gabba Gabba to ESPN. 10 minutes later, he pops his head out of the door and says, “Give me a kiss daddy.” You’ve got to be a cold dude to be able to turn that down, so I pick him up, kiss him and put him back in the crib, and close the door. I’m sure he pulls out a pen and pad, and scratches that one off of the list like, “Damn, that didn’t work.” 10 minutes pass, and pow, he yells out, “Daddy, I have to go pee pee.” This is a tricky one. He could be lying, but you never know, so you have to get up and take him to the toilet to scope out the authenticity of the situation. So here we are in the bathroom, he’s smiling, sitting on the toilet, trying to unroll the ENTIRE roll of toilet paper, reaching for toys, asking me questions (sometimes the same question 12 times in a row hoping I break), and when he is finished I put him back in the crib. 30 minutes pass, “Oh my gosh there is a bug.” This is another statement, that you have to check out. What if there is a bug? You have to go look, and when you do there is no bug in sight. I feel like Wylie Coyote falling for the same roadrunner tricks every day. Buy now 50 minutes have passed, and you have to figure out how to get him to sleep in order to get your 2 hour break. So what do I do, I go lay in the room with him. I’m on his sisters bed, and he’s in the crib. Here is where the plan falls apart.
I have usually been up since 5:30 am, the time that I go to the gym in the morning, and within about 15 minutes, I am sleep. When I wake up, the crib is empty (my 3 year old climbs out of the crib faster than Kim Kardashian gets out of a relationship), and I usually find him in the room playing with toys and watching TV. He then smiles at me, knowing he should have been sleep and says something like, “Did you have a good nap daddy?” Feeling duped, I have now vowed to never lay in the bed in his room at all costs. If he yells something to me, I yell back. I keep the door cracked, so that I can see if he is in fact asleep. I do this because I used to close the door, and when I opened it thinking that he was sleep, he would pop up and become re-energized, thinking that his nap was now over. So now, POW!!! I refuse to be fooled. Here is some off parent humor from one of my favorite comedians Kevin Hart and another video about Nap Time: